6th Student Conference – Saturday, February 12th 2022
Negation & the English Verb Phrase
This is the fourth REEL Day jointly held by linguists from the University of Mainz and the University of Frankfurt. The conference gives students a chance to discuss the results of their research projects with their peers.
Invited Speaker
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Dr. Morgan Macleod Ulster University Postverbal Negation in Present-Day English Postverbal negation (e.g. I know not) is often described as ungrammatical within Present-Day English, and new examples are considered simply as marginal archaisms. However, corpus data show that the use of such constructions has actually been on the rise since the mid-twentieth century. The simplest explanation for such an increase is that a lexical split has occurred, and that the not in such constructions is different from the not in I do not know. However, the origins of such a split pose unresolved problems for the development negation in English and of syntactic variability in general. |
All talks are given live via Microsoft Teams.
Channel 1 | |
10.00–10.10 | Welcome |
10.10–10.40 | Dr. Morgan Macleod (Ulster University) Postverbal Negation in Present-Day English |
Channel 1 Chair: Matthias Eitelmann |
Channel 2 Chair: Manfred Sailer |
10.45–11.15 | Jana Gutmann, Nicola Herz, Johanna Stachofsky, Olivia Ufer (JGU Mainz) Ain't it always the same? – A Diachronic Corpus-based Study on Non-Standard Negation in British TV Shows |
Lucas Berker, Sofia Dall Olio, Francoise Rubina Mann, Maximilian Spall (JGU Mainz) They danced the night away – A corpus-based analysis of the TIME-away construction |
11.15–11.45 | Katarina Alsbach, Selin Cinar, Sebastian Hirsch, Peri Ann Houk (JGU Mainz) “She elbows her way to the forefront” – A corpus-based analysis on the productivity and usage of the way-construction in PDE |
Johanna Christoffels, Rene Kern, Friederike Prillwitz, Lara Weber (JGU Mainz) I had better go or I’d better go? – A Corpus-Based Analysis of the Evolution of better Constructions in American English |
11.45–12.05 | Work-in-progress report Adriana Cristiano, Alessandra Aliberti, Francesca Apolloni, Konstantina Kypraki (GU Frankfurt) Nobody is not Anybody: A Corpus Analysis to English Negation |
Work-in-progress report Francesca Marini, Johanna Scarongella, Fabiana De Luca, Vanessa Brown (GU Frankfurt) English hope vs German hoffen:Looking for a semantic-pragmatic motivation for Neg Raising |
Channel 1 Chair: Manfred Sailer |
Channel 2 Chair: Ulrike Schneider |
13.00–13.30 | Sara Baldini, Robin Böhler, Joshua Dassow, Mihriban Virit (JGU Mainz) Linguists Living Their Lives – Use and Modification of Cognate Object Constructions |
Herbert Javin Caleb Brand, Helena Frankenberger, Sara Rainoldi, Luca Ringel (JGU Mainz) “Shakespeare sells well. – but is he also selling well?” A corpus-based analysis of the progressive constraint on middle-construction |
13.30–14.00 | Jonas Blatt, Kai Eppler, Korbinian Siffrin, Harun Yelkovan (JGU Mainz) “Floor it, baby!” – A corpus-based investigation of empty it-constructions |
Daniel Alvarez, Michael Fischer, Sonja Schander, Janina Schumacher, Simiye Volkan, Parham Ziai (JGU Mainz) Our Lecturer Lured Us into Doing a Project – A Diachronic Analysis of the into-Causative Construction |
14.00-14.30 | Georges-Philippe Ahanda, Jacqueline Böhm, Leonie Creuzberger, Leah Richardt, Maxym Sheykhetov (JGU Mainz) Gonna and wanna: A Quantitative Corpus-Based Study on the Emancipation of Contractions |
14.30-14.40 | Channel 1 Closing |
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Dr. Ulrike Schneider - Local Organiser - JGU Mainz Tel. +49 6131 39-23218 Please contact me if you wish to attend the conference. |
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Prof. Dr. Manfred Sailer GU Frankfurt |
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Dr. Matthias Eitelmann JGU Mainz |
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Prof. Dr. Britta Mondorf JGU Mainz |